Do you know that your perception about someone, an event, a situation determines how you treat such? Most of the time, the way we behave when we find ourselves in a new environment largely depends on what we have heard or learnt somewhere.

Your friend introduces you to a new person, but before then he has poisoned your mind against the person. You will relate to the person based on what you have heard about him. There are many a times we failed to be nice to someone because of the negative comments we have heard about him/her, you don't know where you will meet him/her later. We failed to see opportunities or a favorable circumstance in an event all because of the negative vibe we individually have placed on it. 

I'm not saying you should not have a perception about something. Yes there are times our perceptions have played good, they've worked and they have been effective. All I'm saying is you shouldn't relate with people or judge people based on what people told us or what we think it could be, i.e. their own point of view; try and interact, develop yours then conclude. What you are looking for in someone is far different from others, so try and reach out first before you start concluding. You can use others perceptions as guidelines not as a rule book. 

If you are in a situation which is not favorable for you, change your perception about such, change the way you view it and a difference will occur. Most of the time, the negative view we have about a situation never allow us to see the good in it. Every challenge we face is an opportunity for us to move further in life. If we are facing a challenge and you keep seeing it as an obstacle, it will be difficult to move pass it.  But the moment we perceive it has an opportunity to move forward, different solutions will begin arise.
