What drives you to do what you want to do? Is it your family/ Your friends or the society? Your boss or colleagues? The need to feel among or be in vogue? Or the need for self-actualization? 

This is a question we ought to ask ourselves each time we wake up in the morning. Because our answer to this question determines how we will spend our time and what our lives will amount to.
That very place we want to be, have we pictured ourselves there? do we have the right drive or motivation to reach there? You want to be rich, you want to be able to take your family on vacation to the nicest parts of the world, but the only motivation you have is to be richer than that your friend that has multiple properties. In life, everyone has their own race to run, so therefore, each individual definitely has to have a different motivation.
Everybody has an aspiration, we want to be this, we want to be that, but we don’t allow this aspiration push us. You aspire to be a Medical Doctor; to save lives, but you are fine and you settle for a job in the oil company. Of course you would be wealthy, but you would also miss the feeling of self-fulfillment. Most people let their aspirations and drives be cut off by setbacks, challenges and failure. These are things that ordinarily are supposed to occur in life; they are there to make us stronger not weaker.
Having the right motivation helps one remain on track of whatever they are doing, helps us make differential from good or bad decisions concerning our lives. It is basically the best kind of guidance in life; we know what we want, when we want it, and how to work towards it. We know the kind of friends to keep and the kind of people to stay away from; those that can work with us towards achieving our goals and also those that can deter us from realizing our potentials.
So please, let us identify the things we want out of life and work towards achieving them, as there is no feeling like that of self-actualization.
Thank you

The New Blogger
