Who are you? Do you care about the way people see you? Do you use your social identity to view yourself or do you have a self-image of yourself? We are all humans and definitely, people’s view of us can be disturbing and intimidating.

As a child, I was very fat, people called me all sort of names, I developed different coping techniques, none worked. It went as far as people asking me if I was a male or a female. This had a huge impact on my self-esteem, I withdrew into myself, could not walk alone because of the fear of being insulted or booed on the streets. In more ways than one, people’s perception of me got to me. I began to diet, no, starve myself all because I wanted to lose weight. When I realized it wasn’t working, I decided not to care again, be free and be myself once again. I decided I was above all the horrible names and discriminating stares I got and that those things couldn’t break me since they didn’t make me. You can’t let other people’s opinions define you. I’m still on the thick side but wouldn’t let people’s opinions about my weight get to me.
If you don’t have a strong perception of yourself, of who you are, it will affect you a lot and a lot of things you are capable of will be hindered just because people would easily get to you. Yes, people will judge you, mostly negatively, why not turn this negativity into something positive, see them as advice and either work towards them or away from them. Firstly, you need to develop a strong image of yourself in order to rise above it all. You will notice their lack of efficacy if you don’t read meaning into them.
There is always someone aiming to drag you down while there are also people waiting to pull you up, but you can’t keep waiting for someone somewhere to come pull you back up, which is why you have to have a strong image of yourself; high self-esteem, develop coping mechanism to help stay strong no matter what people say or do. Just ignore the haters.

The New Blogger
