We’ve all made choices one time or the other that we’re not proud of, that we wish we hadn’t. Nobody is above mistake, it shows you are only human, but your ability to learn from such and move on shows you are evolving has a human. We’ve all gone through one bad experience or the other that has changed our lives, one we wish hadn’t happened and could go back in time and rewrite.

When I was younger, my uncle came visiting and as he was about leaving, my mother begged him not to go as he was looking sick that she would take care of him, but he insisted. Three days later, she got a call that he passed away. My mum was seriously hurt, she believed she could have prevented such and blamed herself. But death is inevitable. So what if he had remained with us, that still doesn’t mean he have lived but him dying in her arms with her unable to do anything about it would have been worst on her. Everything has a reason for happening. 

Mistakes are inevitable, they are a natural part of life and as such must occur. If you feel you never make mistakes or you hardly make mistakes, it means your life has been stagnant and you’ve remained in the same position all your life. Someone told me that we are a product of our choices and every choice we make is a reflection of what we are. I agree, just not completely, my reason is that if I make a bad decision today and a good decision tomorrow concerning that same matter, does that mean I’m both good or bad? We are all human, if you’ve done things you’re not proud of or made the worst decisions, there is still redemption for you, life won’t end because of it. You have to learn from such and move on.  There are many decisions you still have to make and your ability to learn from your initial mistakes will prevent future regrets.
The thing is, every mistake we make is an opportunity for us to grow and not to drown ourselves in pity because whether we like it or not, we still have decisions to make that will test us in different ways and levels. Our ability to overcome it next time makes us a better person.

The New Blogger
