The people we look up to in business today started from somewhere, they didn’t just wake up one day with a fully established business and millions of dollars at their disposal.

They made efforts while they were young, they did something, they started young. They did not wait till they finished University or till they started earning salaries, some of them even dropped out of the university to follow their dream.
My pastor told me a story of how a young boy in his university days started a poultry with #7000, now he has two acres of land at his disposals just for his poultry business. Pierre Omidyar started auctioning stuffs off on his personal website in 1995, he started it as a personal project, the traffic on the site pushed him to upgrade to a business internet account, now the site is known as eBay. Thomas Edison who created light bulb, tried 999 times before finally getting it right the 1000th time. If he had given up, would there be light bulb today?

In launching out, you need to know that time is of great essence, the idea you have in mind, your passion, why not start using it now? What if next week or tomorrow is too late? Someone else might even have the exact idea that you do. Always remember that everybody that started a business started from somewhere, they all started small. It is not a crime to start small, but it is a crime to remain small. Don’t be loose mouthed about your ideas, not everybody wants to see your idea germinate, some might just steal it for themselves and start up especially if you don’t have the means or capital to start. Never venture into a business you know nothing about, ask around, make enquires about it. The fact that your friend started somethingand found success doesn’t necessarily mean such venture is for you.
Your ideas can change the world, it doesn’t even matter if someone else has started, all that matters is that you have a unique way of presenting it to the world.
Success will never lower its standard to accommodate you, you have to raise your standards to achieve it.

The New Blogger
