Most people live life without being faithful with themselves,  we are not accountable to anyone neither do we have something or someone we are loyal to. Life is like a market, after our day in the market, we give a report of what and what we did in the market to whosoever sent us.

 The most painful part is that people know this principle, but they find it difficult to practice it. At least if we can’t be faithful to others, let’s be faithful to our self.
Faithfulness to me means commitment, loyalty, dedication, patience, accountability, transparency, truthfulness and so many you can mention,  When we got admitted into the  university, our first commitment was to our self. Do you remember the day you promised ourselves that you will come out with  good grades, how well have we or did we follow that up? Were we loyal to that promise, or did we jump at every invitation we received to a party or opportunity to have fun and never to our books? When I was going into Obafemi Awolowo University, I was told that "if you don't start reading from the beginning of the semester, you will regret it". That is very true, but even will that, can you remember the last time you pick up a book to read without hearing test or assignment.

As human, we need to be faithful to a course, be it your academics, future ambition, ministry, job, even a mentor. We ought to have someone we give our report to. Do not think you can report to yourself and you will become someone great in life, it mostly doesn't work that way . As a student, you  have to be loyal to your academics, you promised yourself a first class degree, now you are a third class student; you have given up, you believe you can’t achieve it again, you have lost hope and because of that you have given up on your ambition. You believe a certificate has the power to decide your life and what you do with it?  Yes, your certificate has a role to play, but you are the major decision maker. You made your certificate look like what it is, so don’t put the blame on it, it is just a sheet of paper that is part of your life, not your life itself . You alone have the power to decide what your life would  amount to. It all depend on where your dedication lies, is it with objects, substance,  man or with your maker, is it with your books or social gathering, is it with your class room or your hostel room. The answers to this questions determines what your life will result to in the future.
We all have the power to amount to something great, but it is how well we are able to make use of our time, what we are faithful to. Do you dream of something and think it will happen because you dreamt? I’m sorry it won’t, you might just keep dreaming day after day until you waste a very vital part of your life dreaming. You have to be loyal, faithful and dedicated to your dream. Before you partake in anything, ask yourself if what you are doing is taking you closer to your dream or creating a distance . Stop following the crowd, be your own crowd, make wise decision that will favor you and seek the gathering of people that would assist you and  approve your work, be a person of your own  words and let everybody know where you stand. Do not be a coward because of social approval, be a loyal servant to your studies and ambition and you will be surprised at what you can achieve.
Thank you.

