What do you spend your time on? Do you spend your time by doing relevant things or irrelevant one? Do you engage in any activity in each day that at least intend to have a positive effect in your future or you just spend your time doing the regulars(watching movie, gossiping, playing video games, etc)?

From childhood, we have always heard some usual saying like "time is money", "time waits for no man". All these are all true. You say you want to be a millionaire by 30, and at 25, you are still seeking daily for a source of income, a job. Yeah, I believe miracles happen over the night like they say, but does everyone experience these overnight miracles?  Probably, you ain't one of those that would encounter these "overnight miracle", but succeed by making maximum and effective use of your time...
You have to start spending your time doing things more productive; things you believe would have a great impact and positive effect towards your future. Someone, sometimes ago told me, 'time wasting is life wasting'. So if you spend an entire day doing nothing productive in positive regards, you have successfully wasted a whole day in your total number of days on earth. 
If you intend to get somewhere remarkable in life, you have to be conscious of your time and what you do with it. Time is a precious gift given to everyone and in the same amount. So if your friend is more productive than you, it is because they spent their time doing somethings productive, not just waiting till it gets close before they start.
The person you are now and whom you would become is a product of how you have spent your time. So, if you turn out to be a failure, it's principally because you spent most of your time doing nothing significant when you had the time. What you do now will mold your future.
To make the most effective use of your time, it requires you to plan. It's only when you plan your time you can make effective use of it. Let's do this practical example, this night before you go to bed, sketch a plan of how you intend to spend the next day, hour-to-hour. The day after the next, go on with your day without planning. Then crosscheck each day and see which will be more productive. Planning Helps in having an effectively used time. But if you feel you have wasted time in the past, it is not late, start today by maximizing your tomorrow's time effectively, remember "there is no future in dwelling on the past"
There are other ways if you May say, but time planning is still the most effective.


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