Most people, especially youths of this generation just want to have money now, wear the best clothes, drive nice cars, use the best phone, etc. We want to stand out among peers, such that when people see us, they hail us in regards to want we have on.

Yes, all these are good but also are great distractions. It is the devil’s way of distracting us from reaching where God want us to be. It is a form of temptation we have to overcome and currently, everyone seems to be falling inside of it.
 A time will come when we will be able to afford all these with ease and by then, it will be our time to shine. We want to be rich, wealthy and affluent. My Pastor in church on Sunday said, “95% of Nigerians are driven by money and that money is our main motivation”. I don’t disagree, but the fact that money is your motivation doesn’t mean you make it illegally or wrongly, it should motivate you to achieving great success rather than pile up liabilities.

I know you might be feeling oppressed by peers or other people with how they spend money, what they wear, what they drive, the kind of phones they use etc. I personally, usually get oppressed, which is why many times, when I hear of a party, I just decide to stay in my house and chill, because going for a party means I have to compete with other guys there in terms of money, it means I have to spend budgeted money or money I don’t even have. Even if I am able to afford it, it will tell on me in the following weeks to come when I can’t afford to eat or take transport to class or bank and I have to walk, deceiving myself that I have doing exercise or fasting when in actual sense, I am broke.
I believe, everybody has his/her own time, and that you are not able to afford to buy an expensive watch does not mean you can’t afford it tomorrow. You spend all your time finding dubious ways to make money now forgetting that you have a future ahead of you and in that future, you have a family to take care of. Do you think the money you make now will cover for you and your family to come? You reap what you sow; you scam people now to make money, you will reap it later. 

Look, everyone has a talent God has bestowed inside of us, why not search it out, develop on it and use it for gain? That is what God expects of us. All of these “make money now” schemes only last for a short time. The fun, thrill enjoyment can’t last forever, it all fades away after a period of time. Don’t let it be too late before you realize you have been going about your life in the wrong direction. I know it is not easy to see your peers whom you all started together already driving cars and you are just like “I have to get my own” “I have to buy a better one” and the likes. Why not use that as your spur to hard work and show the whole world that diligence pays. You don’t have to partake in fraudulent activities before you are made, your set time will come; the time for God to announce you to the world. Stay away from such and in the future, you can look back and thank God for keeping you away from it. You can be the difference; you can be the change this world needs. Don’t just strive to be a better person, be the BEST person. May God guide and be with you as you do so.
