Have you been at that point in life in which you don’t know what next to do? People call it the crossroad, where you are at a point with different confusing option and you don’t know which to take. One seems quick and easy and the other looks so distant and long.
Have you gotten to a point where you have been failing and success just seems like an unattainable goal? Have you been so broke that the next option is fraud; to dupe someone of their hard-earned money?
It’s very frustrating; not knowing what next to do, everyone seems to be giving you the same advice, you feel stuck in the same place doing the same things daily and you ask yourself if that is all life has to offer.
I feel stuck at times, what gets me through is that I know where I’m going, I have a picture to hold on too if all hope seems gone, I have people to hold on too, I have God to hold on to. Do you have anything to hold on too when you feel stuck? Do you picture your future and imagine what it will be like? Do you have people to steer you back up when you are down? What type of people are you surrounded with?
Everybody gets that feeling of being“stuck” once in a while but what you do about it will determine how soon you shall over come. The thing is, feeling“stuck” sometimes is an indication of something great ahead and one’s tendency to see this as an opportunity and not a problem means you are a step away from achieving great things.

