My apologies for not posting for the past months, I've been really busy with exams and recession has been on my neck for a while. So today I'll be talking about 'a productive life'.
         Has anyone ever noticed that whenever you ask someone critically what they aspire to, only a few really know and truly understand what they want? People will just be like “I want to finish school and work a white collar job, get paid and the pay will increase gradually and I’ll become very rich”. Let me burst your bubble, high paying job can get you rich, but I doubt if it can get you wealthy. 
Have you ever noticed that your uncle, even with the amount of money he earns, is still in debt?  I’m sure you think probably that it is because he does not know how to spend or he spends extravagantly. A salary job cannot provide for all your needs, because as the salary increases, your standard also increases steadily, your expenditure will also increase, everything around you moves in proportion with your salary.
People believe success is made over night. I’ve come across a couple of people and they believe everything will be okay when they get a salary paying job, I’m sorry, it won’t, it might even get worse. People who lead productive lives did not just wake up one day into productivity. They created it, nurtured, worked ceaselessly, they were persistent, they failed, but never gave up. Productivity does not come overnight; it takes a series of effort to reach there.

Even with a silver spoon, if you don’t work towards living a productive life, you end up becoming irrelevant. You can research it, anybody who was born with a silver spoon, lived a reckless life, made no effort towards productivity and ended up in a position of relevance. Anybody that is conscious, and put effort towards living a productive life ends up living a productive life. Most people want to be rich, with little or no effort. That is why you see powerful people misusing it, young boys holding gun, kidnapping and engaging in fraudulent activities, even politicians, stealing, looting and doing all sorts of nonsense.
Yes, I feel the need to be made, there are a thousand and one things I need but I don’t want yet because I don’t just feel, I know they will cause distraction and take me off course. Life is a step by step process, don’t aim to achieve all at once, it is a gradual process. Dangote didn’t just wake up one day to find himself the richest black man, he was once the 50th richest black man, before he moved to 15th, 8th, 5th and eventually got to the top. Even when they gave birth to you, you were initially a tiny baby before you became a toddler, then a young boy, a teenager before finally becoming who you are now. It baffles me a lot when people think they can just skip all the steps and fall into greatness.

A productive life is a step by step process and no step can be skipped because the first step is different from the next step and that is different from the next step. Don’t have the mentality that riches will fall from heaven to you, you have to work for it and prove yourself worthy, because most people, after acquiring, begin to spend on unnecessary things. You don’t just wake up to productivity, you live productivity, you become productivity. Then and only then will you live a productive life.
